
 My chosen article comments on how Covid-19 has impacated the education system worldwide. Due to the rapid increase in Covid-19 cases, countries entered a lockdown. As children weren't aloud to leave their homes, education was delivered via online platforms. Research indicated online learning made the students retain the information better, and that It might still be utilized post-pandemic. It is reported that the continuation of e-learning will have a big impact on the worldwide education market. The artcle mentions there was already a large amount of money spent on e-learning educational resources, such as video conferencing tools. It follows up by commenting the rapid increase in usage of such resources, due to Covid-19.

I consider very interesting, how the article covers the geographical view on e-learning.  It is pointed out that in less developed countries, such as Indonesia, around 34% of students adquire the necessary hardware, such as computers; meanwhile 95% of students in  first world countries such as Switzerland, have access to them. The article also covers the social aspect, saying that the pandemic will widen the digital divide, and the age group aspect by saying younger children are affected more negatively by online learning, as sen in the sentence "A structured enviroenment is required."
